How To Have A Threesome Using The Internet


We all want it but some of us never get a chance to actually make it happen. That’s right, I’m talking about the fun filled threesome! Having a threesome is an amazing experience as many people describe it. But it can easily ruin a relationship or can easily turn chaotic if you are not well prepared especially if you are already in a relationship. The good news is that if you’re using a casual dating website, there’s a good chance that you’re not in any serious relationship and if you are, you’re not all that concerned about it being damaged likely.

How To Have A Threesome

Things To Do If You Want To Have A Threesome

The best way to get a threesome without any bad after effects is to talk to your partner about it. If you’re using a site like Snapsext or any other hookup site, then you’re going to want to talk to the person you’re connecting with online.

Once you have an idea that you’ve both fantasized about having a threesome, you can start talking about your expectations and the limits and boundaries of what you really want to achieve through that threesome. It’s not all that uncommon for dating sites to actually display this type of hookup as one of their matching options.

After the discussion, that’s when it starts to get difficult and by that, I mean finding the right person to involve in your threesome escapade. It’s often quite impossible to find a person who you and your girlfriend are attracted to (if you’re in a relationship with someone). If not, it’s likely easier if you’re person number three connecting with two other individuals.

Finding this person isn’t going to be easy and it surely won’t happen own its own. So you will need to work hard and find the right places to get people who are interested in a threesome. If you are lucky, you may find a couple perfectly suited to both of you.

Use Your Internet Dating Resources!

For a threesome to happen successfully, the right-minded people are needed. And there is no other place to find people who enjoy having a threesome other than the internet. I’ve personally hooked up with a couple on more than once and if you’re serious about doing so, I’d suggest starting there.

Since a lot of people enjoy having threesomes at some point in their relationship, the internet is brimming with websites that are specifically designed for people who enjoy threesomes.

Think of these websites as hookup websites but with the intent to have a threesome than any other kind of sex. The good news is that there are even social apps designed for your mobile phone that can help you find a person for a threesome.

Just sign up on one of these types of websites and mention all the details about yourself and that you want to have one. Make sure you do everything I’ve said in the past and post a solid profile picture as well as create a profile that will attract individuals looking for the same type of casual fun!

One rule of thumb is that you make sure that you do not end up having a threesome with a friend of yours or your girlfriends. These kinds of threesomes usually don’t end well in the long term. Always try to find a person whom you are not related to to make sure nothing goes wrong in your relationship in the future. Last but not least, be sure to brush up on your threesomesex positions before trying to take any on here.

Speed Dating and Video Chat Lead To Love


Do you think there’s a reason that all the best casual dating networks use video technology? Of course there is a reason they incorporate it into their services. Aside from people loving to chat with someone sexy from the comfort of their own home, there is some science behind this.

video chat

Girl doing video chat and taking selfies with her iPhone.

Speed Dating or Video Chat Work Great

According to a couple of psychology researchers at the University of Texas, it’s quite possible that speed dating and video might be more effective that the use of photos if someone is on the hunt for love. Does that mean that the same applies for those looking to hook up only? I have no idea but wouldn’t be surprised really!

The study basically concluded that the use of video or face-to-face interactions had a more positive impact and therefore, a greater chance of folks hitting it off if they took that approach versus browsing through a basic dating profile and using the picture as the main determinant.

I’m not going to get too scientific here since I’m just an ordinary average guy, but I’ll be honest and say that I completely agree with the study. It makes perfect sense when you think about it.

At the end of the day, our objective is to connect with one another and physically meet. We often start by using a profile photo to determine the level of attractiveness that we might feel and we message them if it’s high enough. We do so in hopes that we can video chat or meet up with one another in the very near future. It makes perfect sense really!

This is one of the reasons why I always try and have a nice sexting conversation with my potential date or even video chat if I can before meeting them. A lot of connections can be made in taking this approach.

If you haven’t connected with someone today yet, get your ass online, meet someone for a chat and start that video chat fun. It may even get you laid!

Things To Not Say When Dating Online


If you’re dating online, then you need to make sure that you’re not saying the wrong things. Doing so can literally destroy your chances of online dating success. That’s why I’m here to share what not to say when it comes to dating online.

dont say dating online

What Not To Say Using Online Dating Sites

Please keep in mind that this type of stuff impacts the immediate level and response rate of actually lining up you dates through the use of an online dating service. If you’re chatting, then you want to avoid these things at all costs.

According to an article recently written in, online dating users that used the word sorry as an opener were much less likely to get dates versus those that did not. Specifically, 56% less likely. So don’t be foolish. Go with what works! Don’t use the word sorry, period.

My Mom
You’re trying to get laid not get married. Unless you want to sound like a pathetic momma’s boy, don’t use the word ‘mom’ or ‘my mom’ in any dating conversation. No one is looking for that type of person.

This should come as a no-brainer but I’ll mention it anyway. Never mention anything about your ex to anyone online and especially not on any profile or conversation starter. It’s not going to get you laid ever. It simply makes a woman think you’ll talk about her the same way.

Next Week / This Weekend
Lastly, don’t use phrases like, ‘next week’ and ‘this weekend’ when you’re trying to connect with someone or set up a date. It’s going to make you look far to wishy-washy and not seem interested enough to want to bang. A complete turnoff to the fullest extent.

That about sums it up. If you’re looking to hook up, just make sure you don’t say what I’ve listed out here and you should be good to go!

Make sure you check out my last update, which talks about Valentine’s Day Dating tips for success.

Dating Abroad and Studying In College


If you’re in college, then it’s quite possible that you’re going abroad to study or you’re planning a trip abroad with your friends for the summer. I’ve put together a list of things to remember when dating abroad on your trip. Check this out before you go on your journey abroad.

dating abroad in college

A Few Dating Abroad Tips To Know In College

Without wasting any time here, I’ll get right to the list…

Change App Location

If you’re anything like me, then you’re using a casual dating app already to help you find people to bang. That’s a great start and I suggest that! But you must remember to change your app location if you want to be successful. Some apps make you change them manually and others do it automatically. This is essential when it comes to meeting women in the local area.

Pack Protection

Look, if you’re going to be sticking your ‘you know what’ inside something foreign, then I’d suggest making sure you have the right protection. I’m not saying that the chances of you getting any disease is higher because you’re trying to bang a local girl while abroad. I’m just saying it’s best to not have to worry about it the entire time you’re over there.

Don’t Drink Too Much

Yes, I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. Do not get so drunk that you don’t remember your own name. Have fun and bang girls while abroad but do so in a manner that’s not going to cause you to be taken advantage of too much. The reason I say this is because according to an article published in USA Today, 37% of individuals surveyed that had studied abroad said they blacked out more or as often as they did at home while being abroad. Those people may or may not have gotten laid a lot. I don’t know but I’d say it’s best to not find out.

Stick and Move

This may sound contrary to everything I’ve said already but while dating abroad, I’d suggest not getting attached to anyone. Instead, hit it and quit it. Just keep moving on and find someone else to fuck while your dating abroad. It makes for a more memorable experience!

Now that you know exactly what’s required of you while dating abroad, I’d suggest that you start packing for your trip. I spent time in Europe and South America while in college. It was the best time of my life and you’ll likely feel the same way!

Grammar Matters In Every Online Dating Aspect


Okay, so I do not have the best spelling and grammar on the face of this planet. However, you best believe that I put forth great effort in using proper grammar when it comes to dating and communicating online with someone if you are trying to score a date with them.

grammar dating study

Photo Credit: Twitter/Digitaltrends

Regardless how casual the site or app might be that you’re using to try and hook up on. It’s extremely important that you proofread your messages. It may just make or break your online dating experience. The good news is that you’re in luck, there are tools that can help you sound smarter than a 6th grader even if you’re really not.

Grammarly, a Google Chrome grammar checking application, is the recommended app to use when writing anything online to anyone. The company recently teamed up with mainstream dating giant eHarmony in order to conduct a survey on the impact poor grammar and spelling mistakes have on individuals dating experiences. They had surveyed over 10,000 dating profiles and published an infographic to share the results with the world. Here are some of the stats from the study…

The study determined that overall app and site usage increases between January 1 and Valentine’s Day with approximately 11% of American adults using one or the other. There’s also a significant increase in the number of subscribers during this period as well.

The study revealed that men who used the word “whom” properly were 31% more likely to get contacted by the opposite sex. The study also determined that men who wrote “women” on their profile rather than “girls” were 28% more successful. Now, I’m not sure what they mean by success but I’m assuming they had lined up more dates with other members.

I’m going to cut to the chase here, it’s more crucial for men to use proper spelling and grammar versus women. If your profile even has just two spelling or grammar errors then you reduce your chances of getting laid by 14%.

The study revealed that grammar even trumps confidence! I was quite surprised by this one actually. Then again, no one wants to date someone that sounds like a complete moron. being confident and not being capable of doing something most 5th graders can handle is a real turn off.

The bottom line is, read your profile and communicate carefully or you’re drastically reducing your chances of getting laid.

Grammarly eHarmony Study


The Half Night Stand Is The New One Night Stand


Remember when we you used to hang around with friends and talk about your one night stands? So do I! Turns out that having a one night stand is so last year! The new thing that’s in now is the half night stand.

Half Night Stand

The Half Night Stand Has Replaced The One Night Stand

Forget everything you know about one night stands and why they were looked as being so unacceptable or crazy. Society today literally has no time for that. The one night stand is no longer in the cards for most people. College students are busy with school and partying with their friends. Working men and women are busy in meetings or are spending time in the office for hours on end. No one has time to spend the night anymore.

The half night stand seems to be taking off more than ever in the UK. According to Diana Appleyard, “Sex is disposable — you do it, go home and laugh with mates about it on Facebook.” The days of people wanting to go for coffee and hang all day after the act of hooking up is over.

I hate to break the news to you but no one wants to spend time with you. They just want to maybe have a few drinks with you, have sex with you and go home 5 minutes later. Simple as that. It really doesn’t get any easier than that. This is what is known as the half night stand. It’s pretty much the most acceptable way to get laid today. Do yourself a favor and make it a point to do this as many times as you can.

I do it and I get laid more than I can count! If you’re in college  you should try to find someone to have a half night stand with using a hook up dating website. I typically ask the girls if they want to have a couple drinks and hang out for a couple of hours. I keep it at only a couple of hours or few hours. It makes it much easier to setup the half night stand.

Relationship Red Flags That Make People Call It Quits


I’ve had a few relationships end in my day. That’s what happens when you’re actively dating and it’s likely bound to happen until you settle down. That’s not in the cards for any of us right now though so let me not focus on that. Here’s few relationship red flags that have caused me and others to call it quits. There are many more red flags but these are the ones that come to mind first.

relationship red flags

Relationship Red Flags

No one likes dating or being in a relationship with someone that’s lazy. Most of the time that just means more work for one party. If you’re lazy or someone you’re dating is lazy, I’d suggest that you change you ways immediately unless you want them dating someone else.

Bad in Bed
This is a big red flag. Everyone needs to get laid and if you’re bad in bed then you’re in trouble. I’ve literally left dates in the middle of hooking up with someone because they sucked at it so bad. Don’t let this happen to you. Instead, you’ve got to perfect your bedroom skills if you want to keep getting laid.

Bad Hygiene
Another classic relationship red flag is bad hygiene. There’s only so much that one person can take in terms of body odor, bad health care, and overall bad hygiene. Clean yourself up and get things straightened out if you want to successfully date today.

Too much distance is a surefire way to slowly kill most relationships. I don’t care if the sex is amazing, no one wants to travel 100+ miles to get laid all the time. I’ve called off a casual sex hookup myself due to the distance being a factor.

No Humor
Life is serious enough. If you’re too serious and don’t have a slight sense of humor then you’re not going to get very far in life. People want to be in relationships with others that make them happy or make them laugh. If you’re the type that doesn’t have a humor, then you’re not going to be getting laid. I promise you that.

This one isn’t really a red flag but more so a suggestion. Smoking is terrible for you and it attributes to your bad breath and bad hygiene. If you do smoke, I’d suggest that you do what you can in order to quit.

These are just a few of the basic relationship red flags that I know of and I personally take them pretty seriously. If you want to keep getting laid, then I’d suggest you do the same.

Related Reading:

Facts You Need to Know About Online Dating.

Kyrie Irving and Kehlani Now Dating?


I normally don’t write updates on celebs and their dating status but I wanted to share this news with you. It seems to be the latest trend, basketball players dating hot musically talented women. This time, it’s the point guard on the Cleveland Cavaliers, Kyrie Irving and he’s said to be dating sexy singer Kehlani. Is it true?

kyrie irving dating kehlani

Credit: Instagram @kyrieirving

Kyrie Irving and Kehlani Officially Together

Yes, it’s true. They are in fact dating each other. According to a post that was made on Kyrie Irving’s Instagram.

No sooner, Kehlani reposted the same update that Kyrie had made public. Like I said, it’s not all that common for this type of public openness to occur and I wanted to share it with you. Even this couple have been very secretive for a long time about their relationship. According to oComplex, they’ve delete posts in order to not put too much out there.

I guess they decided to stop hiding things and wanted to make it officially public.

Now, I’m sure you know who Kyrie Irving is is you’ve watched any Cleveland Cavaliers basketball this year. Kyrie was born in Australia and grew up in West Orange New Jersey. Kyrie is currently playing a powerhouse role with Lebron James and Kevin Love. He’s only 23 years old and paid a killer salary of 16.41 million. A true boss to the fullest.

Kehlani is a 20-year-old sexy R&B singer and songwriter that’s a member of the Atlantic Records artist family. She’s got some sexy tattoos and has even won a Grammy Award. It’s no secret that she’s talented AF! If you’re interested in checking out her work, watch the video below.

At this point, you may be thinking to yourself, “I wish I could hook up with a sexy celebrity.” So, the question you should be asking here is, “Is it possible for you to hookup with a sexy celeb on a dating site?” I have to say that it’s 100% possible to hook up with a sexy celebrity on a dating website. They want to get laid just as much as you do. The only way to find out is to just join one and try to connect with them. It’s all about networking. Just get out there and do it!

Dating Strange Girls And What You Need To Know


Whether you’re using a dating app or not, if you’re putting yourself out there in the dating field, there’s a good chance that you may run into a weird girl or two. Heck, you may even decide to go on a date with one. If you do, there are a few things that you should be aware of before doing so.

strange girls

Things To Know About Strange Girls

Interesting Outfits
It shouldn’t come as a shocker that the strange girl may dress weird. She may show up in combat boots and a dress or perhaps jean overalls. It’s tough to say but you’ll be able to spot the weird girl if she’s weird with her outfit choices.

Strange Ideas
Strange girls will often come up with strange ideas and they are not afraid to share the ideas at the drop of a hat. Perhaps she’ll suggest a picnic at a circus or some insane idea that you just have to go along with. Chances are, it might even be a genius idea. She’s good like that. In the event that it’s not, you play along anyway.

Attention Deficit Disorder
Concentration is difficult for any of us 90% of the time. However, the strange girl has an even tougher time concentrating. Don’t be surprised if she spaces out on a date or completely blacks out for a short period of time. It happens all the time.

Public Scenes
If you’re dating a strange girl, there’s a chance that you’ll be involved in some sort of public scene one once or twice. Yes, heads will turn and hopefully it’s a positive scene. If it’s not, you better watch out because it won’t be forgotten by the surrounding people.

Caffeine Makes Her Crazy
If you think a girl is strange before you even start dating, I’d suggest you not mix caffeine and booze. Caffeine can make the strange girl crazy, so the Redbull and vodka drinks must come to an end.

Seduction Always Interesting
When it comes to putting on seduction game on, she’s not always on point and it can get messy. Don’t worry though, the strange girls will do their best to try and seduce you in order to bang. You have to give her credit regardless. Heck, maybe you should do so by banging her.

She’ll Say Anything
The strange girl will say almost anything at any given point. If you’re on a date with a strange girl, she’s going to say something to either make you laugh or think WTF!

Zero Fucks
Last but not least, the strange girl gives zero fucks about anything. She’s all about living life for her and not for conforming to society. This is a quality I really admire and you should as well.

If you haven’t dated a weird girl up until now, I’d suggest that you get out there and find one.  Click the home page for my experience with online dating at

Online Dating Facts You Probably Haven’t Discovered Yet


If you are just getting started using sex apps or sites in the new year, then there are some online dating facts that you’ve probably yet to have discovered. These facts are pretty important and for the most part, they’re likely to get you laid or even passed on if you don’t know them. Knowing is half the battle.

online dating facts

Dating Facts You Need To Know

Everyone Uses Dating Apps

If you think that married women, the girl next door or even your college professor don’t use dating apps or aren’t members of sites, then you are 100% wrong. Fact is, everyone uses dating sites today and it’s no surprise that this is a great thing! The more the merrier!

You Must Commit To Succeed

commitIf you want to get laid, then you need to work at it. Yes, it’s a known fact that in order to succeed you must commit to something. The same goes for online dating. Those that don’t put in the effort are often overlooked and don’t get lucky.

Quantity and Quality Matter

both quality and quantityIf you think meeting one person is enough then you’re wrong. Also, if you think you’re going to meet your favorite bang on the first date then you’re probably wrong here too. You need to work on meeting as many quality people as possible.

Upfront People Get More

be upfrontYup, it’s 100% absolutely true! Individuals that are more upfront about what they want, pretty much get what they want. I never lie when it comes to dating online and I pretty much always get what I want, when I want and how I want!

Profiles Make or Break It

dating profiles matterThose that put more effort into their dating profiles get laid more and it makes their online dating experience that much more enjoyable.

Research Matters

researchIt’s a fact that those who research others on dating networks make more connections and get lucky more than those which have not. Stop wasting time sitting on the couch and start researching.

You Need To Meet In Person

lets meetIt’s a known fact that you need to meet someone in person in order to hook up with them. I personally choose to connect with them on Snapsext first then meet them in person.

You Don’t Need To Lie

stop lyingStop thinking that you need to lie about your dating habits or experiences. The age of online dating is here and there is no need to lie about any of it!