Common Tinder Profile Tips and Mistakes People Make


Even though I’m not a huge fan of using Tinder, there is some good that can come out of the site in general, like know what to post on your dating profile. One of the most effective online dating platforms for hooking up is the popular app Tinder (or so they want you to think). If you’re going to use this site or any other dating app, then you need to be aware of the common Tinder profile tips as well as the mistakes many people make.

Guys like it because they can scroll through multiple single ladies in their area, swipe right if they like them, and swipe left if they don’t. Girls like it because they don’t have to deal with hearing from guys unless they swipe right on them as well. There is a tremendous potential for success when guys use this app. However, not even close to the amount of success that people have on Snapsext. Problem is, \they continue to make mistakes that cause girls to swipe left. I”m going to help prevent that from occurring by sharing some tips and mistakes that you must be aware of!

Tinder Profile Tips

Tinder Profile Tips and Mistakes To Always Avoid

I have put together the most common mistakes that turn girls off on Tinder to help you avoid them and enjoy the success that so many other guys are. If you avoid these mistakes, you are sure to accumulate a lot more matches and increase your chances of hooking up.

Posting Super Blurry Pics

You would be surprised if I told you just how many guys post pictures that have horrible quality. I’m not sure why they do it but they do. Whether they don’t know any better or are just plain lazy, they’ve got to stop it. Posting photos that are of bad quality will not get you any matches. If you do get matches, they will be bad, just like that “piece of shit” photo you posted.

Choose photos that are clear with decent lighting without too much clutter in the background. Camera phones take amazing pictures that are pretty decent. Put on some nice clothes, fix your hair, and have a friend take a picture of you with a decent background. There will be a noticeable difference on Tinder and you will see many more matches. Don’t do it in the bathroom either, you’ll look like a total douchebag. That’s casual dating rule 101 if you ask me!

Shirtless Selfies

This is another head scratcher. Mirror selfies did not look good when selfies were first invented and they don’t look good now. Taking a picture of yourself in the mirror makes you look lazy and void of creativity. Taking a picture of yourself in the mirror with your shirt off is just as lame. Girls will be laughing at you. They will not be swiping right. Even if you have a nice body, it makes you come off like a cheesy guy without a brain in your head. You do not want to be that guy. Head to the guy and pose there with your shirt off if you want to instead. You’ll have better luck meeting local women taking that route.

Frowning Sucks

A lot of guys will avoid posting pictures of themselves smiling because they think it looks cheesy. They think that a picture of them frowning looks cool or even a serious photo. Let me tell you something, it most certainly does not. The last thing you want to do is make it look like you’re trying to be cool. Frowning in pics isn’t going to get girls swiping. They’ll be running for the hills instead.

Group Photos

I will never understand why guys think it’s cool to post a picture with them and a bunch of their friends. Pictures like this are fine for your social media wall, but it will do nothing for you on Tinder. It might prompt girls to swipe left. The first problem is that they can’t tell which one is actually you. That’s the most important issue here. How do you expect someone to want to date or hook up with someone they can’t see. Fuck that, ain’t nobody got any time for that! The second problem is that you come off as a person who is not an original or an individual and you need your friends to define you. Your friends are not going to help you get laid on Tinder. I can promise you that for sure.

Look I share a lot of adult dating facts and the fact of the matter is that if you fuck up your Tinder profile or any other dating profile, you’re screwed. Just do as I say and you’ll be fine.

Big Dating Mistakes Not To Make!


I’m not going to treat you like an idiot here now. But I’m going to be stern and tell you that you’ve got to stop making a few dating mistakes if you want to succeed in this game. As a semi-professional online dater, I speak with a lot of people about their dating worries and woes. I learn to understand their experiences and more. What you might not know is that I’ve struggled myself from time to time too. If you want to succeed then don’t make the following mistakes when it comes to dating!

dating mistakes

Mistakes To Avoid When Dating

Taking Things Too Personal

Yes, adult dating is often referred to as adult personals, but that’s because people are sharing their personal opinions on things and what they want in terms of a dating partner. What they aren’t doing is taking things too close to heart! Everyone isn’t for you and you’re not for everyone. If someone doesn’t want to go someplace on a casual date or doesn’t return your message, don’t get pissed and definitely don’t take it personally. Trust that there is someone out there that will.

Feeling Far To Deserving

If you’re feeling extra deserving, then you’re up shits creek and you are making a big mistake. You are not entitled and you don’t deserve anything when it comes to things. The fact of the matter is that there are LOTS of people that think they deserve things that they don’t and lots that deserve more than they think. Don’t waste your time even thinking in terms of being entitled or deserving. Just work smart and you’ll find someone to bang.

Too Much Fear Of Missing Out

So many people that pass up great dating opportunities because they think that they are insane options out there in the online dating scene. They pass up a lot of potential sex partners that they would bang in a second if they were with them in person. It’s a huge mistake to not go on that date or go for a drink with someone because you’re holding out for the perfect bang or hook up partner.

These are some of the biggest dating mistakes that you might come across when dealing with all the online dating mayhem that exists today.